I am begging you to buy “THOU SHALL EAT YOUR WAY OUT”…(But not for the reasons you think)

“I wrote about personal things in this book that even surprised my own mother”

As I release my new book THOU SHALL EAT YOUR WAY OUT, I want you to imagine me down on my knees begging you to purchase a copy. I am DESPERATE! I am so desperate that I wrote about personal things in this book that even surprised by own mother. I am so desperate that I made the book an affordable $14.99 despite the fact that it has color photos of some of my favorite foods along with a few recipes. I don’t know what else I could have done to make you buy this book, but I beg you to please purchase your copy today! And here is the reason why…

By day, I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy. I am not rich and I am not poor. I have five mouths to feed and by the grace of God my family and I have not missed a meal to date. Although CaKy-Q Publishing is 100% owned by the five of us, the publishing business is very volume dependent. I have invested much time and money into the production of this book and the only way this makes sense is if you purchase it.

HOWEVER, the biggest reason I need you to purchase your copy of THOU SHALL EAT YOUR WAY OUT today is for YOU! The fact is, my life probably won’t change much based on how many copies of this book I sell or don’t sell, but I am convinced that your life can change dramatically!

I have been blessed to talk to hundreds of people about their eating habits and nearly each person who takes the time to converse with me has walked away with an outlook that differs from the one they started with. I believe that the same will happen for those of you who choose to purchase and read THOU SHALL EAT YOUR WAY OUT.

“I have put timeless principles in this book that will apply to you today and will apply to your great grandkids decades in the future…”

I understand that generally I am a small publisher and a small author at this stage of my story, however, I also understand that this is a big book. I believe those of you who read this and take the information seriously will make a huge impact on the GENERATIONAL HEALTH of your family for generations to come. Most authors of books about food would rather give you a quick fad diet so they can sell you another book the following year. I have put timeless principles in this book that will apply to you today and will apply to your great grandkids decades in the future, therefore, I can assure you I won’t be trying to sell you on something different next year.

So I guess I am begging you for you! Furthermore, I am begging you for your children, your grandchildren, your great grandchildren, and many generations to come. If you analyze what and how you eat today, I bet you can find the DNA of your parents and grandparents in those habits. Now the question is: What eating habits are you passing to the people who you love most? Are you teaching the impressionable minds that shape the future of your family to EAT THEIR WAY IN or EAT THEIR WAY OUT of the maze that continues to lead so many Americans to poor health and premature death?

I know that we are literally and figuratively living in a microwave society during which many of you have a million things to do. However, I am absolutely begging you to purchase my book today as nothing is as important as your health and the health of your loved ones. God Bless!

Purchase your copy of THOU SHALL EAT YOUR WAY OUT at SixtyFiveBook.com here!

More about Dr. Eric Petty